QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENT POLICY, Class Manufacturing S.A.2019-01-09T14:24:33+00:00



Our company designs, manufactures and supplies different types of pedestals, furniture, racks, structures, etc., as well as subassemblies, copier accessories and electromechanical products.

With regard to these, ClassMf provides complete service to customers, including:
  • Parts design in accordance with customer specifications and legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Manufacturing and delivery within agreed deadlines.
  • Attention to customer complaints and amendments.

The Quality and Environment Policy consists of ensuring that ClassMf products and services fully meet the needs and expectations of customers and users, working in an environmentally friendly manner.

The product quality/cost relation must be competitive in such a way that, by safeguarding customer satisfaction, the Company’s survival and good performance is guaranteed.

The minimum cost can be obtained from the continuous search for the most advanced technological systems, along with more efficient organisational, management and production means and essential ongoing improvement across all factory operations. Management is committed to the pursuit of excellence in all company activities to promote this cost policy and also to continuously improve the efficacy of the Quality and Environment management system, furthermore seeking to minimise environmental impact and prevent pollution.

Another priority objective for management is the training, development and promotion of all employees and it undertakes to provide the resources required to train, educate and develop all members of the company in order to deliver on the competitiveness challenge.

Management likewise undertakes to operate in compliance with applicable local, regional, state and Community laws in force and to comply with the requirements derived from customers.

The different ClassMf departments have developed procedures and instructions to achieve the above objectives. Each employee is responsible for follow-up and compliance with the procedures and instructions affecting him or her.

The quality and environment objectives form part of the company’s general objectives, are detailed in specific plans for their achievement, with the definition of the parties responsible for them, and are reviewed annually.

It is also a desirable goal for ClassMf suppliers to fully understand and adhere to these policies.

The ClassMf quality manual and procedures and technical instructions manuals are based on standard UNE-EN-ISO-9001:2015 and the environmental management matters in standard UNE-EN-ISO-14001:2015.

The Quality and Environment Policy is provided to ClassMf personnel by means of communications, notes, meetings and documentation distribution across all levels of the organisation. It is also available to any person or entity requesting it.

Management undertakes to comply with the Quality and Environment Policy described in this manual in order to ensure the proper development and functioning of the quality and environment system at Class Manufacturing, S.A.

October 2017