More than 40 years of experience
Class Mf is a company specialized in designing and manufacturing metal and electromechanical solutions.
Among our products we offer our own brand sold directly to customers as well as bespoke solutions developed for clients and distributed under their own brand. In both cases, our products are sold nationally and internationally.
Class Mf provides industrial solutions such as multifunction printers, ventilation systems, server racks, etc.
Or business model is based on three basic principles:
• A vocation to export, always on time.
• Our business philosophy is based on the common good.
• Commitment.
About 92% of our sales are international. We offer a lot of flexibility and deliver our products quickly to any location in Europe.
Our business philosophy is based on the common good
Our team was a part of Canon for over a decade and took to heart Kyosei philosophy rooted in Japanese culture: “Work together toward the common good”. To us, what’s most important is our clients, our providers, and our workers. In short, people. By offering the best we can to people, we can offer the best products to our clients.
Our executive team has been involved in the philosophy and operations of our company since it was founded. We rely on the experience of our team, as it has developed alongside us professionally right from the start.
We’re here to help make your business successful.
We offer ideas, innovation, and determination in one package.